Sunday, February 15, 2009

total and complete randomness...

I'm so excited to announce that I am getting a new website template, so the website will be looking really different in the next few weeks. I'll be able to put more pictures in each of the galleries (right now it's 20 picture in each gallery). Also, clients can have a locked gallery if they choose, along with many other new changes. It should be easier for me to update too, Right now, I have to resize and save the image twice and then post it to my server. It's time consuming. From what I hear, this website will automatically resize the images for me. I have several weddings coming up this year and it will be sooo much easier to put images up on the website.

The website will look the same until I'm done constructing the new one, I'll announce a unveiling date when I am close to getting it finished.

I also got a new storage hard drive, it's 1 TB. I learned I had to do this when my computer was getting really, really.... really SLLLLLOOOOOOWWWW (like molasses in wintertime as my grandma would say). So I hooked up an old harddrive to use as an external, and I transferred pictures to it to relieve my hard drive, and I filled it in one night.. I copied all my pictures to my new one and I still have a LOT of space left to store pictures. I take my job seriously, I plan on having my images backed up in 3 places, so this will help tremenously.

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