Saturday, August 28, 2010


Tonight I did a session for some friends of ours and they were so much fun. Zach's mom had sent me an email that she wanted a cowboy session and she had some props and a horse she wanted to use. My reply was "a real horse?" ha ha.. Yes, a real horse! Angie has some friends who let us use their horse Buster for the shoot. Buster was awesome!!!!!

As always with my shoots, drama and fun followed.. I layed down in the pasture to shoot a shot and was concentrating when before I realize it, there's a dog right in my face licking me.. I about died laughing. Someone (not me) got a fat lip when she got hit in the face with a cowboy hat.. But luckily no one stepped in a pile of horse poo. I was sure one of us was going to... :)

Tonight there is a little boy who is exhausted from his shoot with a horse named Buster...

1 comment:

The proud mom said...

Oh Kelly! These are none short than FANTASTIC! I love the sunset scene! Buster is such a beautiful horse! What an experience! These are priceless.....